Humanity has crossed a critical threshold where we will have to adapt to a whole new set of circumstances. This will require a united effort between governments and peoples to bring new levels of skill, technology and cooperation to meet the requirements of living in a radically changing world.
At the core of this united effort are the courage and the ability within people to see what is coming, to know what to do and to act wisely in the face of increasing uncertainty and upheaval. Nature has given us this courage and this set of abilities, but they have become latent and forgotten within the human family. More than anything else, it is these abilities that will determine how, and even if, humanity will prepare for the Great Waves of change and the kind of world we will all have to face as a result.
In facing the Great Waves of change, preparation is the key. The preparation is not merely about fortifying your outer life or attempting to build a sustainable lifestyle. Instead, it is about preparing for a whole new reality. This new reality will require that you become self-reliant and able to call upon a deeper strength within yourself and within others, a strength that few people are yet aware of. This strength is within you now and has been with you all along. This book will reveal to you where it can be found and how it can be used.
The preparation begins with what you see in the world and what you are aware of within yourself. As you proceed, the preparation strengthens your ability to be perceptive, resourceful and wise in responding to changing and unpredictable circumstances.
If you can recognize the reality and the power of the Great Waves to impact your life, this will naturally begin a long process of re-evaluation regarding how you live, where you live, your use of resources, the strength or weakness of your relationships in helping you to prepare and the direction your life really needs to follow.
In facing great change and uncertainty, particularly if it has not been anticipated, people do not rely upon logic and reason as much as upon assumptions, habits and the behavior of the people around them. This is why the inner preparation is so important. Without this inner preparation, people will tend to wait until the last moment to react when their options will be few, if any. When many people respond in this way, there is chaos.
We each have a greater intelligence within us called Knowledge that is not afraid of the future or the challenge of changing our lives. This native intelligence has the power to move us or to restrain us when necessary and to enable us to find the people and the opportunities that hold the greatest promise for our lives. The significance, power and application of this greater intelligence go far beyond our notions of intuition and instinct. Here the Great Waves of change, though dangerous and largely unforeseen, hold the ultimate opportunity for those who can prepare to reclaim this deeper intelligence to secure their lives and to find their unique contribution to a world in need.
Here you will find, presented in the most clear and uncompromising manner, the gravity of the Great Waves of change and the kinds of fundamental decisions each of us will have to face and to make if we are to wisely prepare. There are two minds within us: a worldly mind that is shaped by the prevailing beliefs and attitudes of our families and culture and a deeper, more powerful mind that is free from these influences. Which voice within us we respond to and choose to follow will make all the difference in our ability to see, to know and to act wisely when others around us seem unable or unwilling to do so.
This book confronts us with dangerous scenarios that are the logical outcome of our collective failure to respond adequately to the Great Waves of change that are already beginning to impact our world. It speaks to the fundamental question, “How will you know what to do in the difficult times ahead?” Governments cannot tell you. Scientists cannot tell you. Religious leaders cannot tell you. How will you answer this question for yourself? This book shows you how.
The message of The Great Waves of Change is direct and challenging. Its assault upon human ignorance, assumptions and arrogance is unrelenting. Yet this book gives us real vision about the kind of world we will have to face and where, above all other things, we will find the source of our strength, wisdom and courage to navigate the difficult times ahead. Those difficult times have now begun. The Great Waves of change are upon us.
Marshall Vian Summers
Seattle, 2009
Next chapter: The Great Waves of Change
Table of Contents
CH1: The Great Waves of Change
CH2: The Great Waves and Your Life
CH3: Escaping the Past
CH4: The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
CH5: The Deep Evaluation
CH6: Relationships and the Great Waves
CH10: The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
CH11: Where Will You Place Your Faith?
CH12: Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
CH13: A New Message of Hope
CH 14: Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action